OUR TEACHING METHODOLOGY is designed to kindle in every child a curiosity to know, thereby making learning experiential. This is done by engaging the children in activities related to lesson rather than on 'rote learning'. This helps in laying a strong foundation in concepts. Our methodology helps to culture the body, mind and emotions, and create a sense of belongingness with the whole world. It helps in preparing children to live with a smile in this ever-changing world by equipping them with all the necessary skills, information and wisdom to be worthy global citizens.

The focus is not only on academics, but on all-round development of the child.


Group Discussion

  1. Groups are allotted different units of the lesson.
  2. Read and understand (if necessary take help of the dictionary).
  3. Form Questions.
  4. Sort down the main points.
  5. Group leaders introduce the lesson, ask Questions, elicit the main points.
  6. A teacher summarizes with link and fills up if any point is left out.



  1. Poem recitation.
  2. Quiz Competition.
  3. Find out the meanings from the dictionary and use them in your own sentence.
  4. Reading.
  5. Words on the black board.
  6. Collecting more information from various sources.
  7. Project making.
  8. Assignment writing.
  9. Role play / dramatization.
  10. Field visit.